Flu/COVID vaccination information

Flu vaccines are arriving the week commencing 16th September

Pregnant women can have theirs in September

If you are over 65 or in a risk group you can have it from 3rd October

We already have the children’s vaccines and we are vaccinating 2-3 year olds and those in at risk groups now

Government guidance states that those with asthma can only have a vaccination if they are on a steroid inhaler or poorly controlled.

We are offering Flu and COVID vaccinations together. Please be aware the guidance is over six months from your last dose of COVID, so if you had a spring booster we may need to delay your autumn booster

COVID vaccination is available to all over 65s, anyone over 16 in a risk group, and frontline healthcare workers.

Our currently planned clinics are: 5th October (Great Massingham) 19th October (Great Massingham) 2nd November (Great Massingham). Clinics for Docking are to be arranged